Saturday 30 March 2013

FMQ workshop and confidence

The Beginning Machine Quilting workshop taught by Dawn Cameron-Dick was great and what a fabulous and fantastic lady she is.  The workshop was organised by the Jolly Stitcher of Fareham, Hampshire.  Although I have been practising on and off for a couple of years and so am not a complete beginner I had come to a sort of impasse with the technique.  The workshop got me back on track and back to practising as I had completely stopped.  This new found confidence (not skill- few more years of practice for that!) has forced me to get on with quilting my Hexagon Park (Lilys Quilts) top.  I was originally hoping to do a row of perfect circles between each hexagon but reality kicked in and I realised that I will probably never be able to do perfect circles so I have been doing a wonky kind of pebble design.

I used these gloves

instead of my old ones

and I found the Machingers were so much better.  I can control and move the quilt with my fingertips as well as the rest of my hand as they fit properly and do not get all baggy like the above.

Why the flip did I put in so so many tacks?

I have been removing tacks from the stack and whack quilt I have just completed and it is a blinking nightmare.  Ho hum onwards and upwards


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